The journey of a redeemed Eve and a fallen Adam is not an easy one in our world. It is a journey of two poles that can never meet.
God gave the domination of the earth to man, due to his fallen nature God sent him a helper. As both failed, God still sent a redeemer in Jesus Christ. As the man continued in the image of serpent and rejected his redeemer, some Eve have learnt to accept Him and live for Him.
As a fallen man marries a redeemed woman, the man operate in his fallen state and loses the domination of the house to the woman.
The pride of the fallen man will not allow the woman to dictate what happens in the house. The bridges started to be built and communication gap comes to be, as every communication ends in quarrelling and no joining of issues.
The woman learnt to do things which is right for the good benefit of the family while the man feels cheated and resort to opposition, insulting and assaulting the woman.
A man with an image of serpent’s inclination is evil and because he must obey his master resort to destruction of his family and whatever good the woman is building in that home.
The spiritual activities in the home becomes that of good and evil at war. Serpent being expert in spiritual cruelty and wicked activities resorts to it and hands over to his man’s image to deal ruthlessly with the woman and her seed, with intent to steal, destroy and kill them. When asked why are you doing these things his response is that the woman is too domineering.
A redeemed woman insulted, abused and highly assaulted will not want to divorce the union because of her seed. Definitely while trying to incubate the children, she is bound to receive eternal injuries which only God can heal.
The children grows and the serpent goes after them, Revelation 12:17. That is why the world has been overtaken with evil, because the fathers subtly, deceptively introduce serpent life style to his children and they grow thinking it is a normal life. The pleasures of life is so appealing and as the mother will always warn the children against them, the father deceives the children, telling them that the pleasures of life is the only way to affluence, influence, power and happiness and that they should not mind their mother.
The flood of lies by image of serpent in the house sweep the feet of the children away from God and from the woman, and the woman’s effort to recover the children leads to spiritual war manifest into serpent’s physical war on the woman.
How the image of serpent manifested in Adam losing the garden of Ede, and breeding his first son Cain to become his image of destruction and killing in his effort to destroy the home is what they do in their homes.
As he groomed his first son to become his strength, he uses him to continue his destruction of the family and the assaulting of the wife, and effort to push her out of the house, so that he can have his way.
If he fails in this, his evil activities will be coming to an end and restoration of the family is on sight.
A redeemed woman on the road to redeem her family will perfectly be the image of Christ as a messiah in that house and will be identified as the image of cross carrying, affliction, striped, pierced, crown of thorns from both families who refused to understand her, and his family who think they are sorry for their son, for the wicked wife he married. Tell their son to leave the woman and her children alone, they will not, because they rightly know that the woman is the source of livelihood that sustain their son. Tell him to stop assaulting the wife and using his son to do so, they said that the woman deserve to die because she wants to kill their own, because they are a bird of the same feather.
A serpent in every home is there to test the Eve and her seed. Fleeing or divorcing is not better, because her presence destroy every work of serpent and the children will soon realize who the liar is, mummy or daddy, and they will decide whom to follow as their mentor to build their own life upon. If she flee, serpent will destroy her children and even her if care is not taken. The first Eve did not flee from her union with a fallen Adam who groomed Cain to his image TO KILL Abel, she was able to give birth to a righteous Seth that continued to hold the earth for God.
A woman from paradise to earth mission do not care that she is alone in the fight and do not care if she die in what she believe her calling is, salvaging and preserving the earth of God.
Today serpent and scorpion are making all effort to remove the righteous people on earth so that they can have their one world religion where they will exercise dominion and do what they like without the righteous judging them. What is then our duty as the children of God?
What would a life and family of a man that is redeemed and have dominion be like?
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